Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mix n' Match Sentences

Here is a quote from Pres. Obama regarding the Bush-tax-cuts-unemployment-free-for-all:
"This isn't about the politics of the moment.
It's about what we can do right now."

Either I didn't do enough sentence diagramming as a kid, or miss parsing syntax, but something makes me want to take these two sentences and mix n' match them.

How about these alternates:
"This isn't about the politics of right now.
It's about what we can do for the moment."

Then throw in some logic (see, I knew this stuff would come in handy one day, just like those NP-complete analysis of algorithm truisms like "NP complete" (unsolvable problems) or the laws of thermodynamics..)

politics === what we can do
right now === the moment

I know some of my readers *hate* taking mathematical or scientific theories and applying them to social or political situations. Well then - you have a constitutional right to write your own blog, and it will just be for mathematicians.

So what did Obama say exactly?

"This isn't about what we can do right now.
It's about the politics of the moment."

Oh! Of course!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Under Another Name: $900 Billion and Counting

First, I am not one of those liberals angry over extending those Bush tax cuts for rich people. Lets look at some facts: in Oregon "rich people" (those making over $250K 0r so) actually pay more (in magnitude) in taxes than any other group. Widely more.

So it all depends how you slice and dice it. Their percentage might be smaller. But they pay a great deal.

But I am one of those unhappy with Obama's negotiating with the Rs. Basically caving and giving them everything they asked for! Nice, come to my party and eat all my cake. Well that was nice. Maybe my sisters wanted some too, but I forgot about them for the time being.. They are sisters so they'll forgive and forget, right?

Is it possible to negotiate with both Republicans and Democrats at the same time? How about shuttle diplomacy. Sounds like a state department core competency. Can they help here, in navigating the territorial waters between the blue coasts and the red central part of the countries (sorry - I meant only one country)..

But! Its not over. Christmas is coming and the tree must be decorated!
So kiddos (and your kiddos beyond that), it will be nice when you pay off your share of the $900B (plus whatever decorations get added this week). Hey! That is even more than the first Stimulus!