Friday, February 7, 2014

Snow day!

Has it really been 7 months since my last post?!  That is alarming, I almost (almost) feel I should go to confession.  Father Ben would like that.

Today is Day 2 of the Snow Day Treks to different coffee shops in the neighborhood.  Yesterday was Songbird, and today, PastryGirl.  Pretty amazing that I can visit a different shop 2 days in a row and haven't even mentioned Bipartisan Cafe.
#pastrygirl on SE Stark in Montavilla

PastryGirl, I have discovered, makes a mean French Press.  3 minutes then the other patrons will advise you to slowly push the plunger down, so it makes a perfect brew (it does!).  Paired with a chocolate caramel creme pastry, whoa.  I can do this - even without my espresso I am ready for the afternoon!

someone has been sledding!
They have old issues of Martha Stewart there, and I could almost want to be domestic.  There are names for the different types of lamps (who knew?) and all about organizing those drawers (not interesting when you've been living out of laundry baskets for 5 months).  In fact I don't even see the need for a dresser at all.  Just those cute baskets I got at Ikea.  If Ikea has it, then I need it.

Anyhow the magazine of Martha was from Sept 2007 - I had to wonder - before or after prison?  She looked so confident.  Then I hope she still does.  Some amazing recipes in there, I almost want to ditch my Fred Meyer habits and visit a New Seasons.  Well there is not one within walking distance, yet, but I'm sure that will change.