Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Old World Shadows

Worcester, Mass.  A town heavy with the old world shadows.  Though some churches have been re-purposed to new evangelical purposes.  The three-flats remain, the parking-ban-when-ever-it-snows streets.  The old mill buildings, some vacant, some waiting. 

Worcester, Mass.  A town of colleges.  At least three graduations this past weekend.  WPI, for those poly people.  A 90% placement rate!  Becker College - home of international gaming experts.  They had a commencement speaker who was a co-founder of twitter!  MCPHS, taking up several city blocks (Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences), large enough to graduate at the ice hockey rink.

The President of WPI gave an inspired speech.  "Think no small thoughts".  Yes, an accessible college president. I even met him at the freshman graduation.  Even those prodding professors eat at Subway, like ordinary people.

Unlike a sister college, in another old mill town, in upstate New York, whose college president keeps her own tent for her and the privileged.

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