Monday, October 27, 2014

82nd Avenue of Roses

Not that I have ever seen any roses along this road, either living, or memorialized in plastic, but I guess it is a vision thing.

Vision for 82nd Ave - walkable, accessible, family friendly.  Purple alhambra flowers growing along a median strip, like in Silicon Valley.  Telephone poles that currently hover near the roadway within millimeters, are gone - power lines are underground, and no one needs actual phone lines since everyone wants a cell tower.

Maybe a book store, you know, an independent bookstore, one that doesn't sell anything but books (maybe an espresso machine), no toys no games no calendars (except by local artists).

Even in front of used car lots, and there are many, there are benches with planter boxes (alhambra, or maybe flowering dogwood - maybe donated by local nurseries).  Encouraging people to sit and watch the buses go by I guess, or maybe wait for connections to trek to that book shop.

I am waiting for this vision.  If you are too:  next stop 82nd Ave Town Hall - November 6, 2014: 6:30pm, Portland Community College, SE Campus (@ SE 82nd and Division).  Be there, aloha.

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