What is our obligation for the common sea? The countries of: Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, and the US of A - what do we have in common? None of us have signed the international Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Globalism is here. Are we a terrorist state?
Why is it BP's responsibility to shoulder all costs for {the Gulf cleanup, remuneration to fisherman for loss of livelihood, shore cleanup}..?
Didn't U.S. policy run rampant to encourage drilling, oil consumption without regard to environmental or worker consequence? Our tax laws have incentivized oil development, construction of our interstate highway system, has enabled Hummers, SUVs, and exurbs.
We sip oil as we sip water, like we are the only privileged nation on the planet, privileged individuals, who have a right.
It is time (long past time, but still) to join the global community.
SUVs - just say no. Hummers - just say no. Signing the international Law of the Sea convention - just say yes.
To Obama: fuel efficient standards you brought out today - wonderful (I'm sorry it has taken a crisis to do it, but I am glad nonetheless). Please continue to do whats right for the planet. Not for U.S. oil drillers and the Hummer manufacturers. Your attempt to pander to the Republicans to get them on board with a comprehensive energy bill - nevermind that.
Comprehensive energy legislation is one of those "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" things you speak of.
So ok - do it step at a time. Today - fuel standards. Tomorrow - ocean treaty.
Topic for tomorrow - water consumption as if the rest of the world matters.
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