Faces I recognize in the cafe. Gary Blackmer, runs the Secretary of State audits division. I could legitimately have said hello since when last we were in the same room together it was for a retirement gather for a mutual friend. But alas, either I was in stealth mode (or thought I was? or like to be?) or I just choked.
Another face I wanted to say Merkley but no it was Dave Hunt (Speaker of the House). What about that budget, I could have asked. Where is our salvation. But, I let him stand peaceably in line.
I almost envy the job of the capitol janitor, methodically pushing his silent soft wide broom across the marble floors. And walls too.
Now that they have displaced the bus depot since the Marion county building was determined to have "structural flaws", they say crime is up here at Willson park. Well the townies are at bay today, thank you.
People in agency hallways are already posing what if scenarios about the next Gov. What if it's Dudley. Yes what if. No one can imagine a zero-based budget but perhaps this is just a failure of imagination.
Next week will be interesting- just how do you hack $1 million off the state budget??
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