Friday, July 29, 2011

Never Say Never

Power right - amend the Constitution or we won't pay the bills

Power left - must get re-elected

Is it too late to be from Canada? Right now, I live in a banana republic. But, no free bananas.

This debt limit deal - its not about rational compromise, or "revenue" or "no taxes" or "corporate jets" or even "federal spending". Sorry if you thought that.

Don't listen to any of the words that are tossed out. For the tea party - its all about gaining control. They get what they want, and they want some more. It never ends. Thats the way it is with freshmen!

Well, when I was in college, most of the freshmen that spend that year, newly away from home - running up and down the hall, doing drugs all hours. Most of them didn't make it to Year 2. Went back home.

For the Democrats, did you think "oh, we don't want to have to raise the debt limit *again*" was some sort of real story? As CNBC said, in their finest British accent, "Americans can't do maths" - pointing out that Reagan, the Republican overlord, raised the debt limit 18 times over 8 years. Over and over (and over and over and over and over and over and over... you get the idea). Now just *why* would those Dems not want a debt limit that stalls out in December 2011, but one that defers stalling out till December 2012? Oh! There is that Presidential election in November 2012.

Just about power - on both sides. Using the federal budget as a tool in their political play.

Today I am a Progressive. I wonder who the Progressive Party will run for "Oregon1" - the 1st Congressional District of Oregon, to replace Wu. Once they vote on the debt deal, our congressman will be stepping down. New candidates wanted. No one who has ever worn a tiger suit that was photographed need apply.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

the Nicaraguan Model

Many moons ago, back in the day, I spent a couple weeks in Nicaragua. It was a nation at war. Actually my country was the opponent. Back when Reagan was funding the contras against the Sandanista government.

But the point here is not that Americans will help out, whatever the heck their government is doing, though that was definitely part of that mission. It's more about subsistence.

The capitalist society we live in here has a safety net, and some people qualify to get uninsurance benefits, or food stamps. And those same eligible claimants or clients get the money, few restrictions apply. You could spend your entire unemployment check on your cable bill if you wanted. Food stamps have a few more strings, no prepared foods for instance. So no cooked chicken from Fred Meyer for you. But you could squander it all on Doritos.

In Nicaragua the little government office I worked in distributed food. Enabas. The drivers would come through, get their shipment, be sure they were armed to defend themselves, and hit the road. Probably I will never meet braver people than someone like Reynaldo in my life. He took the time to talk to me, though I spoke no Spanish, just my little guidebook in an attempt to communicate.

Delivering food. Do we need a different sort of safety net in this country? One that meets people's basic needs - food and housing come to mind. But without the complete freedom model of capitalism. Instead of food stamps, give them rice and beans. Maybe some cooking oil to fry up a few tasty onions with that.

For housing (instead of unemployment checks), give each person a housing voucher worth $600. If that is not enough to make their rent or mortgage payment, see if their bank or landlord can take a haircut (accept only the $600).

Meeting people's needs, can we try something new?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Only Her Hairdresser Knows for Sure

Is it real, or is it Clairol?
That was the question of the 60s - with regard to a woman's haircolor. Now does anyone care? I am the last un-highlighted head of hair in the cosmos, save for my kids who seem to appreciate the natural way of things as well.

The federal debt limit. Weeks ago I imagined it was just posturing. Poor lad Obama was the tragic Shakespearean character. Only I didn't have enough Shakespeare in my heart or head to map him onto any character. And other state dweebs in staff meetings were no help either. Not that they are philistines exactly, but, um, well..

Now we are at the 10th hour (not yet 11th, not yet 11 + 51 minutes, not yet 11 + 59 minutes, not yet 11 + 59 minutes + 58 seconds). I mean, we've seen this before, many times. We have heard the cry "wolf!" so many times that I think Obama's fate, Shakespeare or not, is to be the tragic character slain and eaten by the wolf. This time for real?

Today the debt limit debate talks apparently broke down. Senate Republican leader Boehner walked out. Obama was mad. Took Boehner all day to return a phone call from Obama. Obama, the leader of the free world. Maybe that is what democracy looks like. The President doesn't control all the strings.

But yet, I still wonder - stage right. stage left. They all play their parts very well. Obama, still wants it on his scorecard that he fought the good fight- a balanced approach to reduce the debt, raise taxes on those nasty rich people, those people with corporate jets, the symbol of an indecent spending of private dollars. Those dollars should be redistributed to welfare moms, don't they know that?

Meanwhile, the Republicans, holding fast to Grover Norquist's pledge. Though even he sounded a little bit like a grown up this week. Mr Norquist, kiddos, is infamous and famous too, for his "pledge". For 25 years he has been asking people to sign the pledge - no new taxes. Till this week, common interpretation was that even removing a tax credit (such as those Bush tax cuts) would have been considered a tax increase. This week he spoke about "well technically not *voting* on a tax increase and just letting those tax cuts expire is not a tax increase". Making the point that it is the voting record that counts. Political accountability and all that.

But the Republicans have out Norquisted Mr Norquist. They aren't falling for any technicality, its no taxes, no way, no how. It was Obama's message machine that tried to create the illusion of a deal. There was no deal, Boehner says.

Is it real? Is it Clairol? August 2 will let us know.

Monday, July 11, 2011

the Collective Wisdom of Cspan

A Walmart economy can't afford Cadillac services.

Basically, once upon a time there were workers in this country of ours who made $70K. Auto workers who actually made things for a living. Imagine those same workers now trying to scrape by, perhaps a job at Walmart for $25K per year.

Yes and suppose they pay an average effective tax rate of 7%. For their old salary that would amount to $4,900. Now with their new salary, tax would amount to $1,750. But, they probably make so little that they may not be liable for any federal tax. Or state tax.

This is conjecture and not scientifically or economically accurate. But, it paints a picture - does anyone wonder why our post-industrial Walmart economy brings in less federal tax dollars?

And yet, we still expect the same level of service from our government, as when we each had a V-8 truck in the driveway, and a boat in the garage, and could grill up steaks every weekend. Now the Walmart worker gets by, perhaps with help from friends, or from the Food Bank.

Our government needs to scale accordingly.

Step #1 on the road to recovery: boycott Walmart. Keep jobs here. The truth is, we are a lot closer to Greece than we think.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Food Chain of Consistency

Sometimes I think I am really progressive - like, the world should eat vegan. You can feed plenty more people on grains and greens, than on things higher on the food chain like cattle -which require tons of grain and water to grow.

But forget the fake cheese, vegan food trying to be something its not. I did try vegan pizza and survived, but I would not recommend it. But yes to microwave lentil couscous curry!

Other times I am on the other side of things, clinging to old ways. Like the whole "Walk your Bike" signs along the paved paths in the park. Bah.

Both of these stem from increased population. I will continue to be haunted by the cover of a Foreign Policy magazine which talked about how in 2050 most people on this planet will live in cities. If I could find it...

The world tends towards increasing population. A fact. Here in old Hillsboro, up in Brinnon where, sad to say, my neighbor is building a house. Next to my little dead end camping lot. Well my other neighbors on Gorge Court have already sold off their big leaf maples for timber. That felt like a betrayal too.

Is there a case here - or there? A "takings" for ruining my private right to natural quiet beauty?

At this moment it is man vs. blackberry in the front yard. Well, not yard exactly but that side part of the property I call the "gulch". My husband is in locked battle seeking to cultivate civilization. Get with the program girl. Sigh.

From now on I am going to see every issue on a scale of 1..10. 1 = anarchy is ok, cause you are the only one in the country. 10 = teeming metropolis. Whatever state the issue of the day is (e.g., regulations of any kind), determine the point today. And realize we are headed towards increasing population and civilization..

Yet I reserve the right to cruise my bike through the park, ignore the "walk" signs, and face the consequences.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jobs, Economy, Unemployment

Let's parse today's jobs numbers reported by the Labor Department.

18K jobs created, which is very paltry. But, 57K private sector jobs created, which is a bit ok. The net difference, a result of significant public sector job losses.

Is this a surprise? People lurch to the bottom line number, for political purposes mostly. Could be Obama's demise, but I fear we would be no better off with Republicans at the helm.

Keep parsing. The Stimulus did provide significant money to states. Yes some of us still reporting on the details, every job funded with ARRA dollars, every dollar spent, every transaction greater than $25K reported publicly in nano-detail (trust me on that).

PSU alone, my great Portland State University, received $28M. Its all public over on

So what now that state fiscal stabilization money is over and done? Well states have to balance their own budgets. The outcry over public sector unions and the pain and suffering in state budgets, not to mention some of us with salary freezes going on 3 years, soon to be going on 5 years, oh, even worse a pay cut when you factor in still more furlough days and health care costs. Good thing my kids have good earning potential!

What else contributes to net job loss? Construction - ha! Foreclosures have people tangled in knots, so no new houses being built.

Manufacturing? Things look ok here in Washington County - cranes over Intel, new hospital under construction on Evergreen Rd, and SolarWorld hiring to crank out more solar panels. No thanks to our elected congressional rep, who likes to wear a tiger suit in the dead of night - now is that more embarassing than tweeting illicit pics? Well, useless as a representative, so just goes to show you the economy chunks alone with or without those politicians.

From the financial wild west under Bush, with unregulated collateralized debt obligations and securitized mortgages (or is it mortgatized securities?) -- still untangling that and trying to wrestle it under control, to ARRA spending, and now - the withdrawl of ARRA spending.

Withdrawl is painful, indeed. I don't know what we need. Chocolate, perhaps.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Faithful to the Scavenger Hunt..

Some people go on fun scavenger hunts. The geocaching thing - which connects people who aren't connected in any way, except they like to find things. When they find them, a good use of the advanced technology in their smartphone, hence justifying the cost of a data plan and GPS satellites too.. they leave a trace behind.

Like inside a lamppost (there is an inside to a lamppost? trust me, I've seen it! at least in Virginia they have insides..), you open it up. You find a small vial. You open that up. You look inside. You do not have to issue any secret spells or even chant xyzzy (or even have it on your license plate). You can write your own special "I was here, or, should your name be Kilroy say, 'Kilroy was here' ".

But us grownups have other types of scavenger hunts. Today was tracking little pieces of information for OMB reporting. How fun is that! Lots of little pieces of evidence, without even the wisdom of a smartphone (except to keep me going with zumba dance tunes!) I learned much today in this quest.

Much of it unprintable. But the public things - like a vendor who did a portion of our stimulus-funded project. How there are vendors in Oregon who have their headquarters on Park Avenue in New York City. Sounds pretty tony to me. But hey, its on that price list, so apparently all is cool and we aren't paying too much.

Now why it is important to report on the congressional district of this vendor's headquarters is beyond me. Its not even Anthony Weiner's district, which I believe will get vaporized due to population loss in the non-garden state, but someone named Carolyn Maloney. NY14. I am finally getting the hang of this district numbering system. Sort of a prep for the 2012 elections.

Stimulus #1, remember that? Some of us are still faithfully tracking the money and jobs created. I was able to faithfully report 4.36 jobs were funded last quarter. OMB cares, and they get reports from all faithful scavenger reporters. Every i dotted, every t crossed. That is I hope. Everyone else has completely and absolutely lost interest. Or perhaps they trust me, yes thats it.

How to Create the Next Google!

Well I didn't know it was that simple.. one dose of venture capital, some smart engineers, no stupid focus groups or market research, just pure elegance. Oh! And of course public capital - cause only the federal government knows how to steer companies to be successful! Without them, where would we be?

Oh, wait. What about Hewlett and Packard? The garage they started their enterprise in, in Palo Alto, is still around - probably a museum. Did they develop something for the war effort (the Good War)? Nope sorry kids, sorry Mr President - it was an oscillator.

You know, something that oscillates. According to the wisdom of wikipedia, which has some absolutely fine editors, these first oscillators were used in something similar to today's surround sound. Not a military app. Not funded by the feds. Not even chosen to succeed by the feds. Just a couple Stanford grads and a single car garage (back when families only needed one car) looking for fun things to do!

So twitter town hall, Obama wants it all. To focus on manufacturing. Which is ok by me, I learned a lot in the widget factory. But Mr Pres how are you going to pay for it. Should the government pick winners and losers, or let those grads do fun stuff and see what transpires? Apple case in point - no focus groups, just pure elegant design. Microsoft, on the other hand - zillions of test groups and such. Would you rather take your ipod or your Windows laptop with you on a walk??

ok chose one, to define the term "nexus"
Option (A) Tax the rich to provide services to the poor
Option (B) No more taxes, no more government services

And will we solve this debt limit thing in time, or crater into the ocean? And I don't even live in California, who knew the ocean was that close!