Here in Tucson, I love to read local papers and the Arizona Daily Star is no exception. The letters are interesting - plea to issue bullet proof vests to U Arizona students. Teachers being censored for making "partisan" statements, such as "a capitalist economic works well".
Some people are in favor of the one student-one gun law (I suppose others would like them to own more). Apparently the state legislature, in its wisdom, is even putting forth a bill that would take tax dollars away from school districts that don't adhere to the "non-partisan educator speech".
Well I'm not in Kansas anymore, and certainly not Portlandia. I think this is about as far from Portlandia as one can get, anyplace.
Ah, but the sun is what I need. Every plant along the river trail (with no water, but a large bridge built with tax dollars - maybe for the "monsoon season" as my daughter describes it) is fascinating. Something completely different. From the smallest mimosa leaves I've ever seen, to small fuzzy pods on small bushes (ok need a better vocabulary, just wait).
Somewhere this is probably about balance. Portlandia balanced by Arizona. Not gray at all but deep blue and deep red.
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