For awhile there it was an initiative every day.
From health care reform to equal pay for women to clean energy investment to doubling exports. Yes our federal government has many domains.
Fundamentally, its domain is national security. The Rs will say, in their sing song political rhetoric, Obama is about "big government".
To which I generally think - big country - big government - FDR saved us from The Great Depression...
And yet - we have more warrantless wiretaps than ever before. Larger deficits than ever recorded. A larger debt burden, and growing.
National security. Am I safer than I was on November 19, 2009 (pre Obaama inauguration)?
Economically, we are all stuck feeling shattered. Maybe just maybe, Obama could ponder "less is more". If the federal government did less activist legislation - which only results in confrontation with opposing forces - maybe everyone could calm down a bit. Calm, less shattered. Is that a way forward?
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