Today while waiting for exploratory surgery on my car A/C - where I learned I can rightly call my hybrid "vintage" since people think it was the first off the assembly line. But alas, that long ago (2005) we were lucky to have A/C. Today, maybe I will settle for opening the windows. When they tested it, it was truly colder outside the car than inside. Well, at least they didn't charge me.
So I had plenty of time to research "bringing a car to Canada", as in moving. The vehicle must meet the requirements of: Canadian Border Security Agency, Transport Canada, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Transport Canada maintains a Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV) which list the safety standards required in Canada. Welcome to the Commonwealth.
Turns out that soil (everyday dirt) is a "high risk pathway for pests", controlled by the following legislation: Plant Protection Act, Health of Animals Act. So beware if the border patrol agents find some on your vehicle. If your vehicle doesn't pass muster, you must either export it, or destroy it at your expense under Canadian Border Security supervision. Oh, and your entry duty and General Services Tax will not be refunded.
Sometimes I truly wonder how the average person gets by in the thicket of bureaucracy presented up every day. But I suppose today I should be glad to have a dirty, vintage car, here in the US of A.
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