So Congress is, again, no surprise, down to the wire. Two more days till they break, till after the election. So today instead of the Senate voting on a continuing resolution, as passed by the House (a full 6 months of a budget! well, thats half a year in any case), Senator Reid canceled the vote.
The buzz on POTUS was that Reid wanted to be sure the Massachusetts debate took place - that incumbent Scott Brown debated challenger Elizabeth Warren. Well its nice to know he cares about airing these two in public, to give those Mass voters a chance to get the candidate of their dreams.
But is that a reason to stop a federal budget vote in its tracks? I had (past tense) respect for Harry Reid. Could be I shouldn't believe everything I hear (seems I just said that to someone else the other day..) and that maybe he had valid reasons for not voting today.
The Beech Tree at WPI, the most beautiful tree you've ever seen. In historical political lore as the rallying location for students to amass, the progressive Republicans at the WPI campus in Worcester, Mass, who rallied for Scott Brown when he visited their town. I hope they were all watching the debate from their dorms tonight.
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