The agreement they made, and China's promise to reduce emissions from coal plants by 2030 - a strategic direction, and probably the first foray in that direction from China. Why does this matter? China is a world power, the U.S. is a world power, and when they set a combined direction for reducing greenhouse gasses, it can only set the stage for other countries to follow suit.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is too late to "stop" climate change. Like you can't stop that river of lava heading for that village in Hawaii. When I was in Hawaii in September the road was closed, so you couldn't get close to it. Even then, the local papers talked about previous attempts to "stop" a flow of lava - douse it, divert it, none of it worked. Village residents were looking for hard to find dwellings in other Big Island towns.
Ah if it were that simple. Just find a new dwelling planet. There would be a market for PlanetBnB, so we could really continue the frontier mentality (even more than we already practice it in Oregon) and just keep moving to new planets.
For now, I am encouraged by President Xi Jinping's commitment to reducing greenhouse gasses. Kind of a long schedule to get there. But if our pres and China's pres can strike a chord on this common ground, even build a relationship, then there is hope for solving other problems, come what May. Like how to accept climate refugees and find a new world order when the tropics are fried, you can swim in the Arctic in just a swimsuit, and we still want to eek out a living.
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