Friday, June 24, 2011

Things That Will Kill You

Ticks - pull them straight out, in case, say you happen to be hiking in the mountains..

Foreclosure - well deal with it. Maybe allow people to glean the food on your property (hint, don't kill the dandelions)..

Non-BPA water bottles. Well I am not going to pay $19.95 for a non-BPA colorful water bottle at REI. Just not. Those refund checks just sit around anyway for years. I will take my chances with my 2-year old water bottle, BPA and all..

Sea kayaking. What makes me think I can do this? Well, if I can brave ticks and the pangs of life and even a regular old fashioned water bottle, maybe I can learn to manhandle a sea kayak..

and maybe I can just pray.

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