Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Section Chief in the Party's Propaganda Department

ok the Canadian Press tells it like it is. Oh, they are talking about a representative from the Chinese government. Where I suppose they really do have a Propaganda Department. He is now investing in Iceland. Tourism, don't you know.

Well we civilized and democratic nations don't have Propaganda Departments. Jay Carney is not a propaganda machine. I could say he is a member of the small animal genus called rodent, but actually I like a lot of rodents (like chinchillas). And squirrels always notice me when I walk around, or if I'm eating something delectable they want, so there is a certain acceptance there.

What do they call it in 1984, Big Brother? Where is my better half who reads all books to completion, are you back in school? Oh remind me so I don't have to go searching for online cliff notes, sorry I mean spark notes.

We have much cagier ways of purveying propaganda. Only to anyone who is even semi-conscious (this may leave out the rodents of the world, they are good at sensing the proximity of cheetos, not so great at recognizing lies and bamboozles) there isn't even any "there there". Most people must either be watching whatever season series is now in full swing, or buying those back to school supplies, or doesn't care. Or maybe they've escaped to Canada (yes!)

Maybe if they let me back into my home country I can create a new business card for myself. I like the title "Section Chief in the Agency's Propaganda Department". What was I writing the week before I left? It was creative fiction! It was a lot of fun! Oh, it was work too. It was top secret agency mission stuff so Don't Even Ask..

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