Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yes to $3.99 Dove Bars, Again!

I used to be able to buy those $3.99 Dove bars - you know, the kind with dark Belgium chocolate, covering dark chocolate ice cream. Only 3 in a box, and it was about $3.99 for each one. But it was so good.

Cutting back is possible, you can have half of one, or a mouthful to make it last longer. But what if someone promised you a whole one, every night! Wouldn't that be keen!

Obama's Jobs Plan reminds me of this. He is promising me the following:
* no more giving up those nights out to pay for gas or make the mortgage
* no more postponing retirement to put a kid through college
* every one in my neighborhood will have a job
* every pothole will be fixed
* I will only fly in the newest most high tech planes on the planet
* no more leaky school roofs
* $1500 tax credit to the average family
* $2000 to me since I've been a responsible mortgage holder

Well if those are the promises he is personally making to me, I wonder what other promises are in there. Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it. And it will all be paid for, since he'll just rack it up on the national credit card.

But not to worry! He will be solving this niggling deficit problem Real Soon Now. Just give him a little more time and a little more money.

Starting to sound like we need a 1-800 hotline for Politicians Anonymous. Making promises, racking up the spending, with no earthly way to pay for it. Making me wonder, wouldn't it be cheaper to just give everyone a $3.99 Dove bar?

Lets try the math. $300B Jobs Plan
vs. $3.99 * 300M people in the US = $1.2B. Can we be bought off for that and re-elect him?

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