Platforms - strategies for political parties
Policies - where they meet
I was worried for a moment that diplomacy was similar to politics but its not. This week I have decided to be objective. I've only said that about a dozen times to half a dozen people. What does this mean?
Trying to be factual. Not political. This does not rule out diplomacy, which is required to keep everyone, well, from fighting and from getting pissed off at each other (and entering the political domain).
That is the view from the trenches of Salem today.
Also, I think now that I have been officially labeled a cspan junkie by my colleagues, it is finally getting to me. Watching the continual standoff between Rs and Ds in the Senate over passing an unemployment extension and no possible solution. And the pending change-in-rulership in Salem over state government.
Why am I a Democrat again? Hmm, random acts can change a life. I saw a poster at PSU for the Progressive Party - if they get 1000 registered voters by August 1, they can become a Real Party in Oregon. Look at their website: progparty.org. I didn't see anything to disagree with - clean energy, gay marriage, single payer health care, oppose use of military mercenaries, oppose civilian spying - those were the "strongly agree" ones for me, there are others. Check it out. I was the 401st registrant so they only need 600 more in the next 3.5 weeks - this can happen!
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