Al Gore, my savior and preacher on the important issue of global climate change - for a week or more stories appear about how a local massage therapist claims she was sexually assaulted by him.
They print the seediest looking pictures they can find of the man. Oh, now it comes out that the woman, 7 years after the alleged act, had her story bought by the National Inquirer. Hmm, any chance she saw dollar signs and fabricated a story to match? Did the Oregonian do any fact checking before smearing a former vice president and Nobel Peace prize winner?
Now their favorite smear target, Mr Bill Sizemore, has a significant legal victory in a Marion county court. A judge, in the ongoing trials where unions have sued to shut down both his political and activist-initiative life, is taking an objective view of matters. He will allow discovery, which in this case turns the tables and allows Sizemore's PAC to sift through all the emails and evidence they can find in union archives. SEIU, OEA, it will all open up.
In both cases, Mr Gore and Mr Sizemore, when there is sensational news, the Oregonian sees this as fit to print. But when tables turn, as seems to be the case for Sizemore, all I read is - nothing.
So, I've quit watching CNN when it turns into People magazine, is this what is happening to our Oregonian as well?
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