Like the one footnote I read in Congressional testimony one time, talking about the economy and the unemployment system. The author was talking about the 1930's, the late 1930's, and the term "crowding out" has stuck with me.
In the sense of - if the government stops huge stimulus spending programs, which acknowledged are sometimes necessary, for the security of humanity. But when they stop, it makes more money available for private investment.
Trying to follow these Republican candidates on XM radio in the debate tonight. I have listened to enough cspan sessions to be able to pick out - Senator Sessions, Harry Reid, Rand Paul, etc. Their voices map to their words.
But these Republican candidates, don't know them that well. My score tonight is Cain +3. Everyone else, -1.
Some of the things they said are really wacked out. So for a context free quote fest:
Gingrich - "we need a decentralized space program". Really. Like every person designs part of a rocket ship in their garage, then we all get together to assemble it to fly to other planets? Tell you what Newt, you can be the first one to fly into space (or, maybe you're already there). More sensible views on immigration though.
Ron Paul - colorful to listen to. Whacked out. With respect to getting out of various Middle East countries, "I wouldn't ask the generals. I'm the Commander in Chief!" Like I said, colorful to listen to.
Cain - personal retirement accounts. I'm not off for killing off social security, but he made it sound like a supplement, like an option. Of the crowd of 7 tonight, he was the most impressive.
Michelle Bachmann - 23 foster children. Really.
Pawlenty - sounds like a political hack, slippery in his answers. Wants to "appoint conservative justices". What ever happened to justice as blind??
And as proof that we are still in Recession, new billboards have sprouted on I-5 heading north of Salem. For hard liquor. One for a new Cuervo black or something (tequila). Another for "Black Velvet" and its not the song. Perhaps liquor is recession proof.
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