Every day I spend in Portland is a perfect day.
Police on the corner waiting for a confrontation. Given their track record.. be very nervous.
Young 20-somethings standing on the corner, holding Bank of America signs. Something like "get banking out of the banks", their signs were logo-perfect. A large sign on the block was "Move Your Money". Well, given public pressure, B of A backed off their $5 per month debit card fee. Proving that public pressure does work. rah.
I am still outraged by the Occupy Portland group, now living in public parks in downtown for over a month. Basically preventing access for "the public".
Tell you what, if they tried to occupy Mt Tabor, if the roving bands of wild dogs don't drive them out, then I would mount a citizen campaign to rout them out. Public means public for all of us - not just you.
I have yet to find anyone on the blue side of the fence who agrees with me on this OWS ourtrage thing. I snuck a peek at the Multnomah County Republicans site; they too are outraged. Good. Someone should be.
Sorry to say out country has gotten *so* polarized and that even our Commander in Chief has now become the Complainer in Chief. What ever happened to hope and change?
I remain hopeful and I want change. And its not about party ideology.
Back to Occupy Portland. At 12:01 this very evening, they have been told to evict themselves. The Mayor, Mr Sam Adams, said so. Given that this is the West Coast, this will happen on West Coast time - so don't expect immediate action. Give it 2 weeks. But Jim and I will set our watches for 12:01 and see whats happening.
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