If I felt hopeless, after all my best efforts and energies, I would do that too. How has our country lost hope? Is this universal?
I remain hopeful.
Its easy to cast blame, much harder to come up with constructive solutions - that satisfy both sides.
How have we come to this? Or is it lack of concerted effort that got us here?
Nature abhors a vacuum. So - have people become so disenfranchised with the political system, that they abdicated the responsibility to take part? Can you force people to listen to you by planting a tent in a bank lobby. And how does this help the foreclosed homeowner, the debt-ridden student.
By being "unpredictable" and not obtaining permits to march along public thoroughfares, are they gaining more attention. Does this translate to credibility? Or, is it just tangling every day people who can't get to work, can't use the park, can't get a police callback?
The public is becoming disenchanted. The OWS fad, the pet rock, the macarena. Or --- something more lasting. They do have the unions on their side.
Union membership, not what it used to be in this country. Like any organization, trying to maintain its organization is Purpose #1. Iowa Workforce Development Department decided to install kiosks in lots of places in the state - libraries, public buildings. And keep open chat lines for job seekers -evening hours, Saturdays. By these performance improvements, they were able to save over $6 Million. The response? The union and several state legislators are filing a lawsuit. Lost jobs, don't you know.
Next story: creative destruction. And just why don't we keep making buggy whips? Or Ford Pintos? I think tomorrow when I take stock of all the leaves that have fallen off the trees, what with the wind and cold sleet we had today, I should try to recapture them. Glue them back on the trees. Preserve fall forever.
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