So this is not that tale. This is a tale of the latest "agreement" between Rs and Ds. Those tea party Republicans, those liberal Democrats. Both equally guilty of political theatre, at the expense of the American people.
I am not sure which is worse, the way the world feared and hated us under Bush II, or the way the world thinks we are completely dysfunctional right now. I could say "under Obama", but of course the extended cast of character is far broader. None of them sing, that I know of. Maybe they sing in cowboy poetry? Oh wait, that was nuked in the last federal budget.
Tiny secret: the Prez hasn't yet signed that Omnibus appropriations bill for FY 2012, and your favorite budget analyst may be talking about "cash on hand"... Good news here though, this legislation is at least on the "pending" list. So maybe Obama can sign before he goes off to improve his tan and snorkeling capabilities with the kiddos in Hawaii.
So back to singing. Boehner today says he basically "caved" and has agreed to a 2-month extension of the payroll tax cut, unemployment benefits, Medicare reimbursement rates. Wait, we've heard that before. Is this tape on a loop? And is someone trying to break in and steal my new TV? Sounds like a bad movie.
But one week ago (last Friday), there was calm in DC when there was an "agreement". Then it unraveled Sunday with those dratted Sunday talk shows, exposing the truth, no deal. So a week of teeth-gnashing, and lo and behold another deal. This time for real..
Here is the kicker - Boehner personally needs to get 100% unanimous agreement from his membership to pass this bill by unanimous consent tomorrow. Maybe he can send them all electronic spiked egg nog and they will vote yes.
Like I said, I am going to wait till the fat lady is singing, till the dead are really dead, and the opera is really over.
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