Monday, October 25, 2010

The Horrors of War

War is horrible. It is meant to be.
Somehow we are not made aware of this, but we should think about it every day. Does it take close to 400,000 field reports to be released by Wikileaks to make it real and up close?

The New York Times is one of the newspapers Wikileaks gave these field reports from Iraq to (also German, British, and French newspapers).

Read them and think about - attacks on the Green Zone (the safe place for U.S. inside Bagdad), human rights abuses by Iraqi police as U.S. military watched on. Iraqis fighting Iraqis as we watched on. Prisoner abuses, attacks by contractors.

I have never been inside a war, and didn't even watch the Vietnam War on TV like many people did. Which exposed them to horrors. I didn't have anyone I know drafted, but I've known people who have come back from Vietnam and other wars, and never quite felt right about life after that.

If it takes Julian Assange hiding from couch to couch around the world to avoid being shut down. If it takes him as the trusted outlet for field reports to be released. If it takes this kind of operation to expose what is really happening in Iraq to the American public, to the European public, and to the world.. Well thank you Mr Assange.

We all, especially us U.S. citizens, need to see this. We need to be outraged. We need to have our eyes opened. We all need to express our outrage.

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