Monday, July 11, 2011

the Collective Wisdom of Cspan

A Walmart economy can't afford Cadillac services.

Basically, once upon a time there were workers in this country of ours who made $70K. Auto workers who actually made things for a living. Imagine those same workers now trying to scrape by, perhaps a job at Walmart for $25K per year.

Yes and suppose they pay an average effective tax rate of 7%. For their old salary that would amount to $4,900. Now with their new salary, tax would amount to $1,750. But, they probably make so little that they may not be liable for any federal tax. Or state tax.

This is conjecture and not scientifically or economically accurate. But, it paints a picture - does anyone wonder why our post-industrial Walmart economy brings in less federal tax dollars?

And yet, we still expect the same level of service from our government, as when we each had a V-8 truck in the driveway, and a boat in the garage, and could grill up steaks every weekend. Now the Walmart worker gets by, perhaps with help from friends, or from the Food Bank.

Our government needs to scale accordingly.

Step #1 on the road to recovery: boycott Walmart. Keep jobs here. The truth is, we are a lot closer to Greece than we think.

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