Sitting next to my favorite fountains in Salem - the most beautiful, crystal blue, flowing, with cement galore. Sitting reading - fiction!
The fragrant blossoms and walking beneath them - along the shores of Lake Michigan.
Being a yard potato - while "able and available and actively seeking" work in the last recession and in between those available moments catching a few rays while listening to Kid Rock.
Days so hot and humid and I was quite pregnant and feeling like my head hurt, that was Chicago.
The 20 minutes of sun I experienced in Hawaii (5 days of clouds? that is a paradise??)
Watching cattle stand in the road, taking their own sweet time, that was Managua.
Ah but the sun is but a memory. Older now, I am tolerant. I can deal with this. There were days in the midwest (the real midwest, Chicago) where by the end of February the winter seemed endless. For awhile I got satisfaction from posting the newspaper's weather forecast for Montego Bay.
Alas it is Oregon, it is the land of endless rain. It is June, I think. It could be February. The rain never stops. Maybe fewer people will come here and we can all work 24 hours a week (no overtime!) and have jobs.
If the sun comes out, Duwaye's Deli in my building will declare a holiday and send us all outside.
if it's February, where's my birthday present? =P