The reality of endless cspan sessions, Senators and Republicans grandstanding (thank you for cspan, I love cspan!) and debating whether to extend unemployment. Whether to put up money for a second stimulus. What if…
What if each elected representative and senator trusted his or her internal spider sense on votes. Or we blindfolded them, spun them around five times, and let them vote without an earpiece or brain implant from The Party.
Please tell me this is possible. I heard someone at a debate say “money follows power”, and it struck me. Those in power tend to stay in power. An object in motion tends to stay in motion; an object at rest tends to stay at rest.
But what if these same congresspeople had to check their wallets and bank accounts at the door before they could vote.
The moral of the story is: Don't keep the front door open so much. You'll let the spiders in.