When I was in 8th grade, all I wanted to do was work for the EPA (guess I hadn't yet thought about being Harriet). I remember telling this to my favorite Uncle Walter. He dismissed this as foolishness, telling me - no girl, you don't want to work for them. All they do, he said, is tell companies they can't pollute.
Why did I think he had answers for me?? And where would my life be now if I had listened to my inner 8th grade self?
Today in the U.S. Senate the Joint Senate Resolution sponsored by Murkowski and the Republicans to "disable" EPA's court-recognized responsibility to control greenhouse gasses was turned down. Yes! A good day.
I got the sense, listening to her, that she thought this was Congress' domain. Well! Has Congress showed they are capable of doing Anything? Like a landlord who does not enforce his own rules, they have mostly lost their ability to enforce or carry out any kind of legislation. Witness unemployment extensions, which expired on June 2. They continue in their inaction while people drop off the rolls, no jobs to be had (a story for another day)..
So thank you Obama administration for stepping up. The Time is Definitely Now.
Mr. Reid wants the Senate (ok I will try to have just a little faith) to work on global climate change legislation - this month - before Independence Day! OK, keep trying to have a little more faith, stop laughing. Hopefully he and Obama will quit trying to appease the Republicans with giveaways like offshore drilling (no possible chance in heaven or hell), or nukes. They can keep the nukes too.
If everyone stunted their dreams at the 8th grade, I'd be an actuary in a cloak (someone eventually told me they don't predict the future like THAT.)
ReplyDeleteAgain, I chalk this up to a gross overdependence on the current employment system. In a world where the best thing my mother can do for my career is DIE, how can you possibly still expect the promises of a system based on growth?
You tout your Gucci Sustainability on all three of your iPods (count 'em, three), meanwhile denouncing a political system based on social equality (think Socialism.) I've been choking on the embodiment of your "progress" since the day I tried to enter the job (read "meat") market.
21st century economy, my dear (and do you listen to things I say - they will, indeed, come back to haunt you some day, mark my words). Did I ever say I was against socialism?
ReplyDeleteAnd you need to get off this overpopulation thing, I thought we were all good with working 24 hours a week? Even when I get to be 90?