Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vacation log Day 7, continued: the New Normal

I have not felt we are in recession. Maybe there are always people
willing to be on holiday. Sacramento is way more interesting than
Salem, as far as state capitals go. What would Harriet see & hear
along these pathways?

The hotel barmaid said the Gov does not live in the mansion which is
across the street and no dear that is not why I booked this hotel, I

He lives in Folsom. He used to live on the 4th floor of a hotel near
here. As in the entire 4th floor. As in Folsom like the prison. I
don't care what anyone says - jail, prison - people are killed in
these places and best to stay out. And away too in case of escapees.

The pool at this hotel and the garden entrances are vintage 60's. I
love it! Ok maybe I am the only one who's taken a swim in the "sun"
heated pool xc for the Scandinavians that were here last week. The
water really is warmer than the Oregon coast, and refreshing! I swam
one whole lap (ok sideways across the pool).

Nope the closest I've come to feeling recession is when I got online
to see about getting Shakespeare tickets for tomorrow. In a normal
year I never would have guessed this was even possible. But! In the
new normal there are 361 tickets available, for tomorrow, at the
Elizabethan theatre. Thats recession for you.

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