named after Pat Brown, dear Jerry Brown's father. Why does political
dynasty run in families?
The #1 crop in the Salinas area of Cali is lettuce. The #2 crop is
also lettuce.
How expensive would fuel have to get to turn off the
California-feeds-the-nation model? Maybe it would not matter, even if
we had a sane energy policy where fuel was $6 a gallon, 1/3 going to
alternative energy development. As long as labor is cheap. Why is
labor cheap after decades of UFW organizing?
Some people are still in power. Are the same people always in power,
Or is that just what it looks like from the outside. The mayor of Los
Angeles is Hispanic. I take that as a good sign.
100 years ago my ancestors made their way to this country from the Old
Country, Italy. I don't think my grama spoke much English.
Now we've seen an Italian-descent mayor of New York City. I take that
as a good sign.
And New Jersey seems to have captured the nation's imagination. Why
just today Snooki from the show "Jersey Shore" was in court, the judge
accused her of being a Lindsay Lohan wanna be. She sincerely
apologized for being drunk and out of control on the hot beaches of
Jersey. Well isn't that notoriety?
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