First, thanks for the furlough day off! OK it was unpaid, ok so we had to send my day's wages back to the federal agency from whence it came, but it had the appearance of saving money! And, I had a day off, which I did appreciate.
Now lets see who shall I vote for, I am getting a bit perplexed.
Dudley - not willing to stand up against offshore drilling. Feels he must side with the Republicans, who have all taken the same vow to "say" they don't believe in global warming. Must be things like sun spots (convincing, but not convincing enough). To unify the world, global warming is the single most important international issue. Also to improve our economy, our air, give us jobs, and on and on and on.
Then again, how much control does a Gov have about such things? Should he really be focused on the state economy, and not the international presence of Oregon? Answer: he/she should focus on all of the above. We are all interconnected in the world, no turning back.
Meanwhile, on the Kitz front - will you really listen to anyone? Or do you have all the right policy answers? I read today that when you were Gov in a previous life, you vetoed environmental legislation something like 32 times. So tell me, what is that about??
My new party, the Progressive Party. I received a voter registration card, so its real! The symbol is 'PRG'. There are complaints that the Secretary of State wants to stick to 3-letter abbreviations for party affiliation. Well DEM and REP are probably well know. Is PRG possibly going to be confused with 'Pregnant candidate'? And I am not, I tested negative!
So Gov-to-be, lets think about this some more. Prisoner #6 is the designation from "the Prisoner", that fine Patrick McGoohan series from the 60's, that was avidly watched in the 70s at a certain lovely college I know very well (in between failing math exams I guess).
question for today - how is Congress like hopscotch? Give up?
One foot, two feet, jump again. Then start the sequence all over again..
Democrats are coming out swinging with very very positive commercials touting health care reform (rah!). They have also passed financial regulation. What the Dems do, the Republicans, should they gain control of Congress, are threatening to undo. Back to square one, as if none of this ever existed.
And our Mt Tabor was in the news today. The head of Hawthorne Auto Clinic, Jim Houser, was asked to be part of Obama's press pool today, and bear witness to the fact that the new health care reform has helped save his small business money. Possibly my new auto repair shop, now that I've made a vow (please keep me to this!!) not to go to the dealer anymore.
postscript. Today I was designated printer slot #6 in the new multiplex printer that serves the west side of financial services. Example of cosmic coincidence, for those looking for examples.
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