Sometimes it is a young punk's chance to win (ah, the young will take over the world!). Othertimes a middle aged guy will score baskets (the old world can still rein!). Anyhow this time I turned my sights outside.
There are tons of trees all around, tons of windows to stare out of while listening to my legacy ipod. Fall brings all kinds of states of leaves, lets see how we can map this to politics:
* The stubborn ones hanging on to trees - like the oak leaves that have been brown. These are the old guard who still think Woodrow Wilson was the best president ever.
* Fluttering leaves - perhaps people like me who try to think independently, once a registered Democrat (forever actually), now a registered Progressive. And maybe twice in my life now I've voted for a Republican - once was Sen. Gordon Smith when I really really needed those unemployment benefits to be extended, so no use switching horses midstream..
* Streaming leaves - see them racing across the parking lot. Flocking together like birds. Unlike organic birds who get minute messages that keep their flock together, I think its the prevailing wind that keeps these leaves streaming together. Or maybe they have a strong leader? This could be mapped to many different groups, from Democratic union groups, to tea party groups, to well just about any group that sticks together without too many sticking out.
* Mashed and soaked leaves in puddles. I think these are the ones left behind. Any George Bush supporters out there? Maybe they will experience some joy at his new book. But mostly they are ignored and clog drains.
* Then there's the classic - falling leaves. As they jump (if the weather is frigid) or fall (if its not) off of tree limbs, they have a chance to experience some poetry in the way they fall. Stuck for their entire life on a tree limb, they are giving up that life for a new adventure. This is their 15 seconds of fame! The brightest will get collected by schoolchildren, old ladies and old men, and other random people. As they sit along sidewalks they can beam at the joy they bring people. And no matter *where* you are, the smell of leaves is the same. These are the ones who set their own direction.
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