Hope: That by focusing on the deficit (nationally), we can get our fiscal house in order and create jobs
Reality: Not likely in 3 months time. What is significant about 3 months? Thats when all those tea partiers and Republican voters get disenchanted, yet again, with the folks they voted in yesterday. Thats when things start looking up for Obama in 2012..
Fact: War spending - is it up to $1 Trillion, or $3 Trillion now? Remember how many B-1 bombers that is (a lot). Someone pointed out that a 10-year old has lived in a country where we have *always* been at war in Afghanistan. Somehow the term "war" loses its meaning when it is persistent.
Hope: The limited government types, will they address this? Weird as Rand Paul is sometimes, I think I heard him say military spending was fair game.
Reality: How many jobs in your congressional district depend on the military-industrial complex. Oh they Republicans claim they want to cut out earmarks. Well, except for those that impact their own constituents.
Patty Murray case in point - she is massively inspiring and I would want her for my senator. Maybe I should move to Washington, except for my little patch of land up there is 100% Rossi territory. Well, so what, I will pay my taxes and not put my car up on cement blocks or anything, so it should be ok. But she does bring home the bacon, and Washington has like 7 military bases. Hmm, Washington and its economic base is sounding better all the time..
But the reality here is that along with earmarks, and military spending, come jobs. And I don't think anyone, however principled, has the stomach or ill will to kill jobs right now.
Fact: Business uncertainty kills expansion, hiring, innovation.
Hope: Are tax cuts enough? If the lame duck Congress extends, even for a year, those Bush tax cuts, will this be enough certainty?
Reality: Confidence begets confidence. Here is a factoid - the Intel expansion in Hillsboro, which just may be (acc to our current Gov Kulongoski) the biggest industrial investment at $several billions, in the nation for the past two years. Well - Intel is able to take advantage of some $30B in Stimulus provided low interest bonds. Think again, dear Republican friends, before you think Stimulus is a 4-letter word.
Fact: Consumer spending is down.
Hope: Everyone can get back to living their lives, but, live within their means.
Reality: The Foreclosure mess is messing up a lot of people's lives, including those evil bankers. This will either take ages to work out, or, maybe something sensible can happen. Maybe allowing court-ordered "workouts", where a judge can mandate re-setting your home to current market rates. Instead of what you paid for the house which may have been a bubble-inflated price.
Fact: The Oregon Governor's race - done. I think. Dudley conceded. The vote tally is slightly ahead for Kitzhaber. But the votes aren't all counted yet...
Hope: Change for something new (back to the future type of new? Well, I guess some can be nostalgic for those glory days). Hey, one time I rode 7 floors in an elevator with-the-man-who-is-projected-to-be-the-next-Gov. Seemed like a regular guy. That was my 15 seconds of brush with fame.
Reality: To be written, day by day. Tomorrow may be Day 1.
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