Illegal: toner cartridges on airplanes
Legal: toner cartridges for home or office use
Illegal: energy drinks with alcohol in Washington State
Legal: rum & coke
Illegal: marijuana (at the federal level)
Decriminalized: marijuana in Oregon
Though, no dispensaries (Measure 74 went down), and it is not legal in California (their initiative went down too)
Watching 1:1 encounters at the gym - be it handball, basketball, or staring contests.. Most of them seemed pretty competitive. Maybe the world needs legal marijuana. I don't remember men fighting back-in-the-day. Cause when you're stoned you have other objectives, fighting not among them.
I am all for coherent policy. But if one person tomorrow puts a bomb that can be detonated by a bag of cheetohs in their pink wig, will we see a ban on cheetohs and pink wigs on airplanes? Did anyone besides me who saw the "breaking news" last week about toner cartridges banned on planes think it might be a joke?
No joke. Also the energy drinks in Washington State. I am not sure why it is illegal to add caffeine to an alcohol drink. The producer is saying - hey, you need to regulate bars too. So, while rum & coke is legal *today*, tomorrow may be another story.
Back to mixing your own, perhaps. Except I don't drink coke anymore. Just the rum with a bit of lime. Yes we still have some Belizian rum, a place where rum is actually cheaper than wine. I suppose in Venice box wine is easier to come by than clean water. So, when in Rome (or Venice or Belize).. I'm glad I had some cheetohs today, cause they may be on their way out...
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