On the federal budget, it is hard to remember what year I'm in. It is currently Fiscal Year 2011. It began in October, but its as if it hasn't yet begun. Congress is still haggling over the budget. For this current year that we are in. This should be fun, since the current continuing resolution expires on Friday April 8. Federal workers are nervous, about their own jobs. While one assumes they will get paid unemployment and states will cover that, they are none too certain. So far the cuts Congress has made in previous short-term continuing resolutions have looked like one-time funding - earmarks and such. It will not be as easy this time.
Then on to FY 2012. While the President had his own blue ribbon fiscal commission come up with sensible recommendations which rein in entitlement spending, his own proposed budget does not touch these major drivers of the federal budget. Why??
In any case, the tea party will not let the Republicans sit still. This week Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) will present a dramatic new proposal which does not shy away from the hard work of cutting Medicaid, Social Security, and the absolute biggest driver (and growing all the time) of the federal budget, Medicare.
Diving into the great dark deep end of cutting entitlement spending is scary, I hope we all know how to swim. Or maybe a life jacket?
Meanwhile, Obama is on a short leash with Libya. I remembered this thing where it is Congress that has to declare war. But not to worry! This isn't a real war. If this was a real war, you would be instructed where to turn, where to buy war bonds, and recycle that aluminum.
Oh wait, that was the last "good" war back in the 40s. Now we enter a war, as we enter trading relations with other countries such as Vietnam. It gets some attention, it affects a huge swath of society, but the news turns our focus to new hot stories. And most people just watch the latest reality show.
Did not realize that reality shows have been hot ever since the writer's strike. I guess this is the producers' workaround to not having to rely on those finicky writers. Hard to make a living as a writer - but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try, if that is your passion.
But this "kinetic exercise" in Libya is not a war, it is an emergency. So no need to call Congress. Ah - but the timeframe is short. An emergency, according to federal timetables, is limited to 60 days. Then Obama's non-war turns into a pumpkin. The War Powers Act then requires Congress to tell us if we are In An Actual War, and To Declare it As a War.
Mom, you need more followers! =P