I only learned (or realized?) recently that the Washington Monument is a monument to our first Pres, George Washington. Not sure what I thought it was before - maybe a monument to the city? To our capital? Just a neat-looking obleisk type building?
So the current Pres Obama, with the darkened blue sky of our nation's capital city in the backdrop, and the whitened image of the Washington Monument, announces "deal". A deal has been reached to avoid a government shutdown. Glory be.
Win #1: He looks good - all the schoolkids and their shepherders who planned to trek on their spring break to the capitol city, to see that monument, to see those cherry blossoms, to feel a part of our nation's founding, the seeds of democracy. Budding little citizens in the making. Their trips are on! Obama saves the day! And announces a deal..
Win #2: Senator Harry Reid looks good. Those nasty policy riders the evil tea party gang planted in a continuing resolution have been stricken! Young women afraid to seek counsel from parents or others can, in confidence, find the Planned Parenthood counseling they seek. Trying to tie social policy issues to stop abortion clinics, or stop the EPA, were stricken from this budget bill, which after all as Reid has said, is a budget bill. So he saves the day, get him a cape as Super-senate-democrat!
Win #3: House Speaker John Boehner looks good. Not giving in easily, fighting fighting fighting to the very end, and even then continuing to fight. To nuke every last penny from the largest federal budget on the planet, to restore fiscal sanity. He looks good to his tea party and right-wing constituency, with Obama and Reid claiming this budget now contains "the largest reduction of federal spending in history!". So he is clear.
The conspiracy types out there may wonder if this was orchestrated? Can you orchestrate real time? Obama surely knows how to stage a win. Reid, to his credit, is always a master tactician. Boehner, did he satisfy the tea party? Maybe not 100% but they will never ever be satisfied 100% till we are all living in trees with no nasty government, but all of us armed as militia. Hmm, maybe they have something in common with tree huggers after all. Full circle.
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