A lovely town. A very rich town. A very successful town. Filled with venture capitalists. Filled with software engineers. I have no idea if all those people I saw on cspan listening to the President actually work there, I wonder what they all do?
Software was simpler back in the old days. An entire company could move just by having everyone throw their computer into the back of their car, and drive to the new digs. True story. Lattice, back in the day, lets move from Glen Ellyn to Lombard! Something like that, my Midwest memory is rusty, not because of Portland rain though maybe. The President could host (ok maybe his wife helped) a Christmas Eve party at his house and invite the whole company, which at 13 people at the time was exactly the size of his family.
Score one was when Obama visited Intel. Rah! Score 2 is him visiting Silicon Valley. Rah!
Making the case for more investment in science, math, technology. Yes indeed, said before the eyes of the free world, why do companies like these have to import more engineers. Why aren't we growing enough of our own.
I must steel myself however. He is in campaign mode. I believed once. I want to believe again. As they say, memories in America are short. And he is persuasive.
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