Monday, May 24, 2010

Churches are a Growth Industry in Hillsboro

Is it another RealLife church going in next to the Orenco MAX station?

Down on Cornell Road what used to be property-tax paying Toshiba, a huge plant at the corner of 231st Ave is now owned by Sonrise Church. I didn't know a church could occupy that much space. I believe they do good things for people in need, but it still grieves me how much prime manufacturing space is lost to non-profits, or the lovely "For Lease" sign (stolen from a rap video about Worcester, Mass, ok).

The picture here is the r.e.a.l. life church on Golden Road. What used to be the Golden Road Baptist church. I guess Baptists aren't as popular anymore. Also gone are the sheep that used to graze behind here.

There is at least one (what looks like) mega-church along the Sunset Highway.

OK so churches a growth industry. I worked with a colleague once (and her husband was in the ministry so she should know) that Oregon was one of the least churched states. Well perhaps that is changing.

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