Sunday, May 30, 2010

21st Century Things

Waiting for the kind of pizza my kids like, which I had forgotten about. But wait, while I wait I always can play the "Bejeweled" demo game on my cell phone. Where is it? Oh, I have a fancy smartPhone now, which has absolutely no games on it (yet).

I know apps are all the rage, but I haven't quite caught up. OK my first game download is today - a real version of Bejeweled for $2.99. And it doesn't konk out like the old demo version did, which was an enticement to buy it, but since my old phone didn't neatly hook up to the internet, it was always the same demo, waiting in pizza stores or in Target dressing rooms.

Now a chance to see how good I really am at this game, given that I am terrible at all games involving any kind of graphics (take me back to old text Adventure, I was fairly decent at that, well at least it was fun). There was not even enough time while waiting for a stuffed pizza to play this to the end. So I had to give in and keep playing at home.

Even given the huge amount of time it takes to bake a stuffed pizza (ugh) I got to Level 5 and it was not yet done. Either I am really good at these 21st century games, or they make them easy enough so we all feel smart enough (so we'll buy more?)

The NYT today says that apps are like white flight. In that the internet-at-large has been taken over by everyone and anyone, crazies, global warming deniers, and people who are really sick too. And the cool svelt 21st century people have flighted away to their cozy little apps. Step 1 I guess I'm there.

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