Saturday, July 24, 2010

EWR, aka Liberty airport

I guess it is different for Oregon types to adapt to Newark humidity
in July. It envelopes you. Like being in a tropical country, without
the tropics. Only city grit (I still I like it).

A city that works. Maybe. I have nothing but respect and admiration
for Mayor Cory Booker. Two shuttle buses later and I'm at the right
place finally. I sense they don't like outsiders. Living on the west
coast for - 20 years - has I guess has made me too friendly and

The good old Star Ledger. I do not understand how Mr Christie got
elected here as Governor. I always thought of NJ as a complete melting
pot, as diverse as it gets. He seems completely intolerant. I guess
here, as at the national level, fiscal austerity has become Job 1.

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