Thursday, July 15, 2010

Secrets from inside the State Capitol

(a photo gallery)
Peaceful basement plaques in honor of groups past. And secret gardens you can only get to if you are able to get back in (not for me).

1935 Special Session declaration of the new capitol building, since the old one burned down - pictures of this are in the Cafe in the basement. So -- special sessions *can* accomplish something. The building was opened to the public in 1938.

Buildings have memories. Even the ground has memory of what was there before.

Marble-lined hallways. Silence of time "between sessions".

Running fountains are a joy for kids of all ages. A new espresso purveyor with a new umbrella.

The halls, waiting to envelop a new governor and his administration in 5.5 months' time. And the same lobbyist administration.

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