Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Continuum: 1963 - 1982 - 2001 - 2010

Where were you in 1963? On June 12, 1982? On September 11, 2001? Today?

Yes it *is* about civil rights. Build that mosque - its a cultural center (thank you Little Theorem).

1963 - JFK assassination (watched the funeral all day on TV)

June 12, 1982 - No Nukes rally in NYC draws 1 million people (I was there!)

September 11, 2001 - An unreal blue sky marked the day - chaos in NYC was felt on the west coast. A red, white & blue streamer from my rear view mirror - continues today, one hybrid car later, in sympathy, in memory, in solidarity, with NYC and New Jerseyans everywhere, with the spirit of tolerance. With the prayer of peace.

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