Saturday, August 14, 2010

So much for before & after pics

I thought I was visiting my land to take some before pictures, as in before I get it developed to put a trailer up here. Turns out my forested neighbor beat me to it.

I arrive to try to figure out where my property boundary has disappeared to, and hear someone down hill yelling at me "That's private property!"

What about my private property rights?? Did they take one of my trees out? I don't remember this much sun up here, ever. My property is a stand of old growth Cascade forest, with a little flat spot just right for camping. It seems the last undeveloped parcel here in Washington.

Well there seems to be electricity next door now. Mason county PUD, even though this is Jefferson county.

I knew things were doomed several years ago when they tore down the gorgeous big leaf maple across the street several years ago. That was step one. Now I hear a chainsaw and barking dog from my up hill neighbor, all the noises of home :(

And now, well I will go to this picnic and try to be neighborly. But maybe I should familiarize myself with the procedures for civil lawsuits here in Washington State.

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