Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Black Billboard on TV Highway

I guess I've never seen a completely black billboard before. I'm glad billboards are still out there for the old-fashioned driver types like me. What it signifies:

Arizona shooting
a new slate
black panthers laying in wait at night
the Black Forest

Maybe we are still in the promise of a new year. The potential despair of the new economy that hasn't gotten started as yet.

A young person that you know said to me that she is planning for the future. Good news, to have a plan, and Little Theorems may have more impact than they realize.. Or, she told me, maybe the world will end December 12, 2012.

In which case, we won't be around to continue our plans. Or maybe that will be the day of judgement. For the Mayans anyhow, to see if their calendar is correct.

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