Friday, January 7, 2011

You are about to enter.. the Twilight Zone

Twas the night before Legislative Session,
and all through the house

Not a creature was stirring
Not even a policy analyst

Rebecca had baked us oatmeal cookies
With care
In hopes that
Sweet our fiscals would be

The Gov wanted bills
We hastened the call

And we fought
Not to the mattresses
But delivered them up
No blood let, as yet

The new dawn awaits us
We sit poised

New interns to help
Thank you for that!

In the end.. does anyone hold our feet
To our predictions?

But bills must be analyzed
Fiscals must be prepared

With every last S&S and IT charge and care
Alas another Session awaits

Already the freezer is stocked
Tuna casserole dinners await

Thank you Rebecca, for filling us
With sugar to get us started
Without which
We would surely perish..

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