Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Many B-1 Bombers is That?

Kudos to Defense Secretary Gates, who is trying to squeeze $100 Billion out of the Department of Defense, through "efficiencies". There are probably lots, if you can find them..

Not to be outdone, today in the Senate which is trying to pass a continuing resolution to keep the federal government going - they are one day ahead of schedule, since the last day of the fiscal year is tomorrow, a Republican Senator introduces the "Fast Act", which promises to cut $100 Billion of waste from the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP programs.

Remember the B-1 bomber? It was a replacement to the B-52 (so, Little Theorem, catch up on your armaments..) The price tag was $290 Million.

So - for $100 Billion, you could have 344 B-1 bombers. Now, there were only 100 in production, and not all are still in active service.

Remember when $290 Million was a lot of money?

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