Friday, September 3, 2010

Vacation Day 1: Hillsboro and beyond

Today I have faced my fears. They came true. I survived.

I know I should've taken Ash out of his cage first but oh well, Clover
got first choice of external cages (the one with her name on it).

Opening Ash's hutch door, even with a spotter next to me (thanks Jim)
he did as I had feared. Attempting to recreate "flying chillas from
Mars" he did fly straight at my face. Missing it so no plastic
surgery needed today.

I screamed bloody murder as anyone would do when an unexpected object
with fur, teeth,claws comes lunging for the kill. He scampered away
which could've led to another, separate nightmare, the repeat of
"chillas escaping from he'll" where you grovel around on the floor
trying to catch them, trap them, grab them.

But age and pudginess have caught up with the little guy so ok the
other side of the basement he was easily mine for the taking.

Throwing his fur, as chillas do, did not deter me (does it deter any
adversary?). It's involuntary I guess, much like shreiking.

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